Month: November 2014

SharePoint Solution Design Specification

Finally got the last hands on the solution design I wanted to match up with the infrastructure design. I wasn’t to sure on this, as this is not an area I usually work with, but having used it two times it seems to hold proof. As with the Infrastructure design, remove any unused components.
This design takes a bit more work to fill out, as it needs to hold the descriptions on how the customer is intended to use the solution. Each service application comes out with a rich descriptions as well as the authentication model. Especially for those federated identity solutions.

I expect this design to be updated with more content, as I embrace more of the solution architecture. In order words, while not being as definitive as the infrastructure design, it should provide a good baseline for the solution design activities.

Feel free to use, give any credit you can 🙂

SharePoint Solution Design Specification (located on Google drive)